Discover foods to heal you

Discover Foods
to Heal you

The Kitchen Factory’s Healing from the Heart

If we are eating foods that are nutritious, then why do many of us complain of nagging Health issues such as gas, headaches, bloating, allergies, acidity, etc as your Normal State of Health ! It is high time, we STOP accepting these routine health issues as normal.

Did it ever occur to YOU that Foods are not just Nutrition, but meant to HEAL us!

Remember, food protocol is ‘Individual Specific’ & there is no one formula of eating foods that fits all.

Reboot your Food thinking & learn the art of proper food combining – an art that can either make or mar your health!!! Turn to the World’s biggest Natural pharmacy – i.e. your own kitchen.

We help you & guide you on this journey of food, specific to your Natal Constitution & teach you the art of Mindful Body balancing by tweaking your food to your advantage, thereby, getting Good Health permanently.

Ironical as it may sound, in modern times, we know the functioning of our smart phones better than our own body functioning.

Press the Refresh button now !!!Remember, HEALTH is not Absence of Disease. It is a state of balance among body, mind & consciousness.

Listen to your body – it will talk to you !!!

Consultancy Fees

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Wellness Counseling

Recognizing the fact that each individual is UNIQUE, you can avail the services of a “Holistic Wellness Consultant” who will teach YOU the art of understanding the finer nuances of your body & introduce YOU to the Healing Power of Foods & Lifestyle changes.

For more information regarding packages and pricing and to book your slot, please whats app us or schedule a session.

Fill out our Holistic Wellness Form

Please fill out this form for free to get you started. Alternatively, can directly buy the consultancy packages / hours/ sessions. We will get in touch with you shortly.

Holistic Healer

Holistic Consultancy Enquiry Form

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Wellness Packages

